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PS2 - Chapter 49

49th Chapter (Ēkōnapańcasat Paţalah)

“Narration of the Enlightenment on the Hanumān Worship and Accomplishment

(Hanumatpūjā Sādhana Prakāśa Kathanam)


पराशर! महाप्राज्ञ! सर्वागमविशारद!
पूजार्थं श्रीहनूमन्तं पत्रपुष्पफलानि च
यानि योग्यानि पुष्पाणि तानि मे वक्तुमर्हसि।। 1

Śrī Mytrēya:

“Oh! Great sage Paraāśara One with immense knowledge! Knower of all āgamas (sacred books)! Which varieties of leaves and flowers are suitable for worship of Hanumān? Tell which flowers are most appropriate for worshipping Hanumān. (1)

कुन्दपाटलपुन्नागकेतकीवकुलानि च
संध्यावर्तजपानीपलिकुचाब्जोत्पलान्यपि।। 2

Śrī Paraāśara:

 Good for Hanumān Worship

Oh! Mutrēya! Listen, those that are appropriate for Hanumān worship are – Elephant-foot-yam flower (kanda; Amorphophallus paeoniifolius), trumpet flower (pāţala), blood-red flower (punnāga), fragrant screwpine flower (ketakī), Spanish cherry flower (vakuļa; Mimusops elengi), carrion flower (sandhyāvarta),  China rose (japā; Hibiscus rosasinensis), Nipa palm or kadamba flower (neepa; Nypa fruticans), wild lemon flower  (likuca),  water lilly or lotus (abjaōtpala) and others; also –  (2)

करवीराणि जातीश्च मल्लिका चम्पकानि च
मन्दारपारिजातानि पलाशकुसुमानि च।। 3

Indian oleander (karaveera; Nerium indicum), creeper jasmine (jātee), jasmine (mallikā). firangipani (campaka), hibiscus (mandāra), Indian coral tree  (pārijāta) , flame-of-the-forest (palāśa; Plaso monosperma) flowers – (3)

कनकाम्बरपुष्पाणि द्रोणान्यपि तथैव च
नीलाम्बराणि भव्यानि कुटजानि शुभान्यपि।। 4

The firecracker  flower (kanakāmbara; Crossandra infundibuliformis), century plant flower (drona; Leucas aspera; thumm in in Telugu),  aquamarine crosanda flowers (neelāmbara), kurchi flowers (kutaja; Holarrhena antidysenterica; kodesa in Telugu) are worthy of use; also – (4)

कुरण्टस्थलपद्मानि केसरासनमाधवीः
वनमल्ली कर्णिकारं कुब्जार्के चन्द्रकान्तकम्।। 5

Passion flower (Kuranta; paccha gorinta in Telugu),  confederate rose flower (sthalapadma Hibiscus mutabilis; metta taamara in Telugu), angel laurel flower (kēsarāsana; suraponna in Telugu), hiptage flowers (mādhavee; Hiptage benghalensis), wild jasmine (vanamalli), bayur tree flowers (karņikāra; Pterospermum acerifolium), crown flower (koobjārka; Calotropis gigantean), marvel flowers (candrakānta; Mirabilis jalapa) – (5)

सीमन्तिनीसुपुष्पाणि हरिद्रान्यक्षतान्यपि।। 6

Cobra’s saffron flower (surapunnaaga, Ochrocarpus longifolius), wild safflower (kausumbha), lavender (a type) flower (kukubhāşţapadā), light rose (a type) flower (seemanthinee) are appropriate flowers; turmeric rice (akştāni), (6)

तिलाक्षतान् श्वेतवर्णान् शलीयानव्रणानपि
बिल्वामलकदूर्वाश्च अरविन्दवनं तथा।। 7

White sesame, unbroken old paddy are best among sacred rice (akşatāni). Among leaves, bael (bilva; Aegle marmelos), (7)

सिन्दुवारशमीचूतजम्बूरुद्रजटा अपि
तुलसी माचिपत्रं च वटपत्रं तथैव च
गौरीजटा मपामार्गं पूजयेच्छ्रीहनूमतः।। 8

Nirgunti (sinduvāra; Vitex trifolia, vāvila in Telugu), shami  (śamī; Prosopis cineraria; jammi in Telugu), mango (coota), jamboo (jamboo;  Myrtaceae species), rudrajata (Śiva’s plait), a tropical tree (rudrajatā),  holy basil (tulaśi),  (mācipatram), banyan (vaţapatram), Gauti’s plait, a tropical tree (Gaurijaţa), devil’s horsewhip (apāmātga; Achyranthes aspera; uttarēņi in Telugu) leaves ate to be uses in worshippinh Lord Hanumān.(8)

कदलीचूतजम्बीरपनसा  म्लफलानि च
कपित्थजम्बूखर्जूरबदरीदाडिमान्यपि।। 9

Banana, mango, lemon, jackfruit, tamarind, elephant apple (Feronia limonia), jambu/blue berries, dates,  jujebe and pomogrante fruits can be offered; and – (9)

सीताफलं महास्वादुमुर्वारुकफलं तथा
द्राक्षाफलं चेक्षुखण्डं नारिकेलं तथैव च।। 10

Custurd apple, tasty kheera fruit, grapes, pieces of sugarcane, coconut, (10)

एवमादीनि पक्वानि फलानि मधुराणि च
समर्पयेत्कपीशाय प्रत्यहं-मुनिसत्तम।। 11

Such fruits, that are rightly ripe, should be offered to lord Hanumān, Oh! Mytrēya. (11)

अन्यं विशेषं वक्ष्यामि शृष्णु मैत्रेय! तत्त्वतः।। 12

Oh! Mytrēta! I am telling about another speciality of Hanumān. Listen attentively. (12)

कदलीवनमध्यस्थं पूजयेद्यः कपीश्वरम्
तस्य पुण्यफलं प्रोक्तं गुणितं कोटिसंख्यया।। 13

Hanumān Worship in Banāna Grove

Those who worship Hanumān dwelling amidst a banana grove will get ten million times more good virtue (puņya) as a result of worship. (13)

हनुमद्विषयं यन्त्रं हृदयं कवचमेव वा
सिध्यंति सर्वकार्याणि जपतः कदलीवने।। 14

Hanumān related rituals like worship of a Hanumān amulet (yantra), Hanumān heart (essence) or Hanumān protective cover will result in fulfillment of all actions, if done in a banana grove. (14)

आवर्तयन् त्रिवारं तु कदलीवनमध्यगः
अन्यत्र शतसाहस्र्कोट्यावष्त्तिफलं लभेत्।। 15

One who repeats the mantra of Hanumān three times in a banana grove will get the benefit of reciting hundreds, thousands and millions of times recitation elsewhere. (15)

रम्भावनान्तरे रम्ये हनुमत्प्रीतये पुमान्
किंचित्सुवर्णरौप्यं वा दद्याच्चेदमितंफलम्।। 16

Whoever gifts a little bit of gold or silver for the pleasure of Hanumān, will get a lot more fruitfulness because of it. (16)

एवंविधं प्रकुर्वंतः मुनयस्सिद्धिमागताः।। 17

Seers acquired achievement of mantra by doing exactly like this. (17)

संपूज्य कदलीमध्ये ध्रुवो पि ध्रुवनिश्चयः
अव्म्जनासुतमभ्यच्र्य धु्रवं पदमवाप सः।। 18

By worshiping the son of mother Ańjana amidst a banana grove, Dhruva attained Dhruvaoadam (blessed to remain a still star permanently). (18)

सप्तर्षयो मुनिश्रेष्ठा कदल्यां कपिनायकम्
संपूज्य विधिवत्पुष्पैः संप्राप्ताशशाश्वतं पदम्।। 19

The best of seers, the pious Seven Seers = saptaŗşi – Vaśişţha, Atri, Gautama, Kaśyapa, Bharadwāja, Jamadagni and Viśvāmitra) worshiped the leader of monkeys, Hanumān as stipulated, with flowers and obyained a permanent position of Saptarşi (Ursa Major of the Great Bear); meaning that they remain so during this present time cycle of Vaivasvat Manu – Vaivaswayamanvantare. They change from one time cycle (Manvantara) to anthe rtime cycle. (19)

मार्गशीर्षे महामासे मन्दवारे शुभावहे
रम्भावने महारम्ये ब्राह्मणान् भोजयेद्यदि।। 20

If meals are served to learned Brśhmins in a banana grove, on an auspicious Saturday in the most auspicious month of Māgaśeerşa (9th lunar month), (20)

तस्य प्रसन्नो हनुमान् सर्वकामफलप्रदः
ददाति शश्क्तितींभक्तिं सर्वत्र च परागतिम्।। 21

The all-desire-fulfilling lord Hanumān will be happy and grants permanent devotion to Him and an exalted status everywhere. (21)

अपूपानि सुपुष्पाणि तांबूलानि फलानि च
हनुमत्प्रभवे नित्यं अर्चयेत्पव्म्चसंख्यया।। 22

One has to offer to Lord Hanumān, deep-fried rice cakes, flowers, betel leaves, fruits always in fives (number). (22)

बहुनात्र किमुक्तेन दीयते ब्राह्मणाय च
हनुमत्प्रीतिलाभाय तद्देयं पव्म्चसंख्यया।। 23

Why to tell so much? If any thing is offered, it should be offered in fives whether to a Brāhmin or to Lord Hanumān.(23)

अन्यं वक्ष्यामि मैत्रेय कृष्पया श्रीहनूमतः
सालग्रामशिलामू£तस्वरूपं परमाद्रुतम्।। 24


Oh! Mytrēya! Listen; I am telling you the features of another wonderful item for obtaining benevolence of Hanumān, namely the Hanumān in a stone form (sālagrāma śilāmūrti). (24)

शिरसो दक्षिणे भागे पृथुचक्रसमन्वितः
तद्वामे शरघातेन गोखुरह्र्दबन्धुरः।। 25

On the right side of the head of the Hanumān sālagrāmamūrti) is a big round wheel and on the left side, is a depression in the shape of a cow’s hoof as though made with the impact of an arrow. (25)

सूक्ष्मपव्म्जरसंयुक्तो मालिकाबालसंयुतः
बहुशृष्ङ्गयुतष्चैव सूक्ष्मकार्मुकरेखकः।। 26

There exists in a tiny cage, with a chain like tail, a small line shaped like a bow (as in lines on palm) with many rised portions. (26)

मुखचक्रद्वयं सूक्ष्मपुष्करो मनुराकृष्तिः
सर्वसौभाग्यदो नृष्णां हनुमान्पुरुषोत्तमः।। 27

With two tiny wheelas and a tiny lotus marks in the face region, this Hanumān sālagrāma stone, a form of Hanumān, the best among the humans, that gives auspiciousness to all. (27)

सालग्रामो यमाख्यातः हनुमन्मू£तसंज्ञकः
पुरुषोत्तमसुक्षेत्र इतिवत्कल्पवेदिनः।। 28

This sālagrāma is well known as Hanumanmoorti. That means a sālagrāma of the above description is to be known as Hanumān Himself. Those knowledgeable about eons (kalpa – the Hindu concept of immense time between one creation and the next one), it is the best amongst the males and the holiest pilgrimage center. (28)

मन्दवारे हनूमन्तं पूजयेद्रक्तिपूर्वकम्
ब्राह्मणान्भोजयेत्पष्चादेकभुक्तव्रतं चरेत्।। 29

The Hanumān form sālagrāma has to be worshipped specially on Saturdays. The performer (karta) has to eat one time only, after offering community food to Brāhmin people. (29)

एवं यः कुरुते पूजां हनूमद्वासरे शुभे
तस्य प्रसन्नो हनुमान् सर्वाभीष्टं प्रयच्छति।। 30

Whoever worhips Hanumān on auspicious Saturdays, a Day dear to Him, will be blessed by Hanumān and all the desires will be fulfilled. (30)

स भवति हनुमत्प्रसादमूलं बहुकुसुमादिषु निश्चलैव भक्तिः।। 31

Worshipping with a single flower is better than worshipping with many varieties of leaves. Instead od worshipping with several varieties of flowers, pure devotion will bring the benevolence of Hanumān. Hence it is simple and pure devotion that is desirable always and everywhere. (31)


इतिश्रीपराशरसंहितायां श्रीपराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे हनुमत्पूजासाधनप्रकाशकथनं नाम एकोनपव्म्चाशत्पटलः

Thus ends the 49th Chapter “Narration on the Enlightenment of the HanumānWorship and Accomplishment”

Devanagari transliteration

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