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Follow Hanuman (Part 7) – Hanumān’s Relevance & Affair Management

By Prof. Dr. Nadiminty Sree Rāmachandra Śāstry


Youth of today can learn the art of personality development from the phenomenon called Hanumān and become better citizens of the country. In performing a task to perfection utilising all of ones abilities, the virtues and performance Hanumān has to be emulated as a principle. Let us see how.

Learning Attitude: Mother, father, teacher and elders are all essential in the learning process of children. One needs to learn from them with reverence and utmost concentration like Hanumān did. Not just the subjects but also life’s sinews like discipline, dedication, desire-less practice, endearing behaviour and speech – the hallmark of Hanumān – have to be mastered.

Humility & Decency: Like Hanumān – mighty yet humble, control of mind and body, behaving within the rules of the society, law and times (no corruption) are virtues to be acquired and practiced. Hanumān proved that geniality and humility is not meekness but courage that always brings success.

Planning, preparation, flawless execution and achievement of goals are the main aspects of affair management. Hanumān’s preparation for crossing the ocean to reach Lanka comprised of choosing the right path, deciding on the goal, triggering mind and body into action, are exemplified by the various activities and rituals performed by. It is worthwhile repeating the very first Slok (Sundara. 1.1) here as an example. This Slōka is fit to be recited as a daily player.

The literary meaning of that Slōka would be – “Hanumān, the terror of His enemies, decides to follow the aerial path of the wind in order to locate the whereabouts of Sītā”. Philosophically, the same Slōka would convey that – “Hanumān decided to follow the path taken by earlier wise seers in search of the Ātman that was taken astray from Paramātman by the desires-full soul”. By His this action Hanumān shows us the right path.

Standing majestically atop the Mahēndra Mountain, having performed the requisite rituals, turned to the East to bow to His Guru Sūrya, bows to His sire Vāyu, raised His head and palms to pay respects to the Heavenly personalities, warmed up through Yogic posturing of His body, declared to one and all that He will go straight as the arrow of Rāma, grew His body to great height, crouched and with a mighty kicking with His feet, Hanumān took off across the ocean southwards (Sundara 2-2 to 20).

Hanumān shows that one should always pay respects to elders, parents, Guru and Gods and seek their blessings for success in the action being undertaken. One should not anticipate any rewards for the action. That would be selfish. Hanumān’s action of crossing the ocean is “for Rāma, for the Vānaras” declared the celestials from above. Hanumān declared that he will go straight like the arrow of Rāma. In this, like a true Ācārya, Hanumān indicates that He is just the medium. It is His Lord Rāma whose instrument He is. And He would go straight and steady on his mission without wavering or deviating or getting distracted, like Rāma’s arrow. He oozes confidence that like Rāma’s Arrow He will definitely attain the target – finding Sītā wherever She is.

Such should be the confidence that one should possess in ones own ability before an action. Also one has to give all his best in performing the Paramātman’s errand like Hanumān who grow in size to his colossal best – Virāat Hanumān, so that he can put his full might to the job in hand.  That should be the way of starting an action – with full physical and mental powers at command after first seeking spiritual support from all revered personalities.

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