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PS2 - Chapter 59

59th Chapter (Ēkōnaşaşţitamaa Paţalah)

“Post Birth and Death Ritual Impurity Features of Mantras of the Hanumān Auspicious Knowledge”

(ĀńjanēyaŚreeVidyamantrāņām jātāsaucamŗtāsauca Lakşaņam)

मन्त्राणां जाताशौचमृष्ताशौचलक्षणम्

नमत सुमणिकुंडलं नयनपुष्पवन्मंडलम्
हृदि प्रणतवाताजलिं श्रितसुरासुरेन्द्रांजलिम्।। 1

Śrī Parāśara:

“I am bowing reverently, in my heart, to Hanumān, the One with quality diamond-studded ear rings, the One with eyes round like flowers, son of the Wind God and the One respected by all Gods, for whom, He is the patron. (1)

सहारमणिभूषणं सरसभक्तसंतोषणम्।
हनूमदभिधं हरं हरिविरिंचिसेव्यं भजे।। 2

I worship the One named Hanumān, One having neck-chains and diamond ornaments, One who gives bliss to ardent devotees, literally the form of Vişņu and the One worshipped by the Creator Brahma. (2)

वालावेष्टितमौलिमीश्वरतनुं भक्तानुकल्पदु्रमम्
राजन्मौंज्यजिनोपवीतमनिशं श्रीआंजनेयं भजे।। 3

I always serve Hanumān, resplendent wearing the pearl necklace presented by Śitā and Rāma; the One that holds palms in varada (boon-giving) and abhaya (protecting) gestures; shining wearing many a diamond, wearing a crown made by wound around tail; the very form of Ēśwara; the virtual Wish-Fulfilling Tree (kalpavŗkşa) for the devotees; wearing shining mounji (girdle made of Mounj grass), ajinam (deer skin – cured one) and yagńōpaveetam (sacred thread). (3)

अन्यं विशेषं वक्ष्यामि सर्वलोकोपकारकम्
यस्य श्रवणमात्रेण मंत्रसिद्धिर्भविष्यति।। 4

Periods of Impurity for Rituals

I am telling another feature that does well to all the worlds. One gets achievement of mantra by by simply listening to it. (4)

सर्वेषामेव मंत्राणां संस्कृष्तं सूतकद्वयम्
जातसूतकमाद्यं च द्वितीयं मृतसूतकम्।। 5

There are two ‘ritual impurities’ (sootakam) for all the mantras. The first follows soon after a birth – jātasootakam. The second one, after a death (mŗtasootakam). (5)

जातसूतकमित्याहुः मंत्रोच्चारणसम्भवम्
मन्त्राक्षरोपसंहारादाहुस्तं मृतसूतकं।। 6

Jātasootakam occurs on uttering of a mantra. Mŗtasootakam occurs due to the withdrawl of the mantrākşara – letters. (6)

सूतकद्वयदुष्टानां मन्त्राणां जपतामपि
सिद्धिर्न दृश्यते क्वापि प्रयासो पि महान्भवेत्।। 7

Achievement of the mantra (mantrasiddhi) will never occur by reciting bad mantras afflicted by jātasootakam and mŗtasootakam. Only one’s great effort remains. (7)

जपादौ सूतकं विद्याज्जपांते मृतसूतकम्
उभयोस्सूतकं विद्यात्तज्जपं निष्फलं भवेत्।। 8

One should know about affliction of impurity at the beginning of the recital of the mantra. After the mantra recital, it would be mŗtasootaka. Mantras recited in either of the two sootaka impurity periods are futile, fruitless. (8)

अतस्समुद्धरेन्मंत्रं सूतकद्वयकर्दमात्
बिंदुयुक्तं समुच्चार्य पव्म्चाशद्वर्णमालिकाम्।। 9

Removing the Periods of Impurity

Hence the mantra has to be retrieved from the mud of the two impurity periods. That method is like this – uttering a 50-lettered string (akşaramālika) along with a point or dot (bindu), (9)

अनुलोमक्रमेणैव निहन्याज्जातसूतकम्
भूयो पि तां समुच्चार्य विलोमेनैव मालिकाम्।। 10

The jātasootakam has to be removed by uttering the in the natural order. Uttering the akşaramālika in the reverse (unnatural) order, (10)

मांत्रिको मन्त्रराजस्य निहन्याम्ष्तन्मृतसूतकम्
न चेज्जप्तो पि तन्मंत्रः क्लीबस्सन्नैव सिद्धिदः।। 11

The mantra practitioner has to remove the mŗtasootaka effect. Otherwise the mantra will become neutralised, giving no effect. (11)

अनेन विधिना सम्यक् जप्त्वा च मंत्रमुत्तमम्
परां सिद्धिमवाप्नोति सुप्रीतो हनुमान् भवेत्।। 12

By this procedure a good mantra practitioner can recite it properly and obtain very good mantra achievement.  Hanumān will be pleased very much”. (12)

एवं संदिश्य भगवान्पराशरमुनिस्तदा
पुनःप्रोवाच मैत्रेयं सर्वेषां हितकाम्यया।। 13

Having taught or bestowed (upadēśa) of the two mantras in this manner, Parāśara, intent on doing further good, said so to Mytrēya. (13)

मैत्रेय! शृणु वृत्तांतं सर्वलोकोपकारकम्
मन्त्रास्तु बहवस्सन्ति सर्वकामफलप्रदाः।। 14

‘Oh! Mytrēya! Listen this episode that is profoundly useful to all the worlds. There are very many mantras that fulfill different types of wishes. (14)

शक्तेया गारुडाश्चैव वैष्णवाश्च सदुत्तमाः
गाणपत्यास्तु कौमाराः कौबेरा भैरवास्तथाः।। 15

There are those concerned with power (śakti), – concerned to the Great Eagle Garuda, – concerned to Lord Vişņu, – concerned with the most auspicious Ganesh – the elephant headed remover of obstacles, Kumāra or Kārtikēya, mantras of Kubēra, the mantras of Bhairava and many others. (15)

तत्तत्फलप्रदा नित्यं सौम्य! सौम्यविभागतः
कितु सर्वे महामन्त्राः नानाविधफलप्रदाः।। 16

Oh! Gentle Mytrēya! The results (fruits) are regularly yielded depending on the gentleness part of it; but, all of the great mantras give different results. (16)

अस्ति कश्चिन्महामन्त्रः सप्तमन्त्रात्मिकश्शुभः
नायकस्तस्य हनुमान् पव्म्चवक्त्रो महाप्रभुः।। 17

There is an auspicious, mantra known as ‘soul of seven mantras’ (saptamantrātmika). The leader of the same is Five-Faced Hanumān, the One that is highly capable. (17)

अंगभूता हि मन्त्रास्ते सप्तमन्त्रमहामनोः
अंगप्रधानभावेन जप्त्वा च मन्त्रमुत्तमम्।। 18

All those mantras are like the parts (organs) of the great Sapta Manu (the progenitor of humans); the best of the mantras, performing the main intent (pradhanabhāva) with the sense of parts (ańgabhāva), (18)

लेभिरे परमां सिद्धिं शौनकाद्या महर्षयः
त्वमप्येवं महाप्राज्ञ! मैत्रेय! मुनिसत्तम!।। 19

Saunaka and other great seers attained the best of achievements (siddhi). Oh! Greatly learned one! Best of Seers! Mytrēya! In this manner, you too (19)

सप्तमन्त्रात्मिकां विद्यां पठस्व सततं शुभां
सुप्रीतो हनुमान् सद्यः भुक्तिं मुंिक्तं प्रदास्यति।। 20

Always study the art (vidya) of the auspicious ‘saptamantrātmika’. Hanumān becomes happy and promptly causes bhukti (material enjoyment) and mukti (ultimate liberation). (20)

अन्यद्रहस्यं वक्ष्यामि मैत्रेय! मुनिपुंगव!
गोपनीयं प्रयत्नेन सर्वदा भिमता त्वया।। 21

Oh! Great Seer! Mytrēya! I am telling another thing. You, inclined to listen as it is, must always work to keep it secret. (21)

मन्त्रास्तु बहवो ब्रह्मन् मया ये समुदाहृताः
ते सर्वे हनुमन्मंत्राः भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदाः
किंतु मन्त्रो ह्ययं सम्यग्वर्तते सर्वतोमुखम्।। 22

Oh! Great Brāhmin! All these many Hanumān mantras that I have will give material enjoy life and ultimate liberation. But there is a many-dimemtional (sarvatōmukha) procedure for the mantras. (22)

आदौ प्रणवमुच्चार्य श्रीबीजं तदनंतरम्।
ततो मन्मथबीजं च श्रीवर्णं तदनंतरम्।। 23

Recitation Procedure

First utter the cosmic (praņavam) sound ‘Ōm’, followed by the seed letter (beejam) ‘Śreem’. Then say the Cupid Seed letter (manmathabeejam), then the auspicious letter ‘Kleem’, (23)

ततश्शुभांगशब्दं च चतुथ्र्यंतनमोंतकम्
दशवर्णमयीमेवं श्रीविद्यामुत्तमां शुभां
जपेदेषा गुणवती सर्वकामफलप्रदा।। 24

Then the word śubhāńga (auspicious bodied) in the fourth case (for), i.e., ‘śubhāńgāya’, then say at the end, ‘namah’. Such and auspicious, best, 10-lettered Śreevidya (auspicious knowledge) has to be recited. This is a virtuous featured mantra that gives the desired wishes. (24)

अत एनां महाविद्यां श्रीकामो नियतं जपेत्
निशीथे शीघ्रफलदां प्रदोषेतु विशेषतः।। 25

Ōm Śreem Kleem Subhāńgāya Namah

That is why this great knowledge has to be recited by one that wishes wealth. This gives fast results when recited during the night. This will be especially fruitful if recited during pradōşa time (auspicious 3 hour time 1 1/2 hours before and 11/2 hours after sunset on the 13th day of all lunar fortnights). (25)

आदौ प्रणवमुच्चार्य श्रीबीजं तदनंतरम्
ततो मन्मथबीजं च समुच्चार्य प्रयत्नतः।। 26

First uttering on purpose ‘Ōm’ followed by ‘Śreem’ and then the manmatha beejam kleem’, (26)

श्वेतवर्णपदं सम्यक्चतुथ्र्यंतंनमोंतकम्
दशवर्णात्मकं मन्त्रं मोक्षार्थी सततं जपेत्।। 27

Uttering the word śwētavarņa (white coloured) in the fourth case (for), i.e., ‘śwētavarņāya’ and then the word ‘namah’ at the end. This ten lettered mantra has always to be recited by one seeking liberation (mōkşa) from this mundane world. (27)

एषा विद्या तु विप्रेंद्र कैवल्यपददायिनी
मध्याह्ने च प्रभाते वा जपेच्छीघ्रफलप्रदा।। 28

Ōm Śreem Kleem Swētavarņāya Namah

Oh! Best amongst Brāhmins! This mantra gives mōkşa. It has to be recited early in the morning and in the afternoon, when it gives best results. (28)

श्रीविद्ययोद्र्वयोब्र्रह्मन् ऋषिब्र्रह्म प्रकीर्ततः
गायत्री वेदजननी साक्षाच्छन्दो निगद्यते।। 29

Oh! Good Brāhmin! For these two knowledges (vidyas), the ŗşi (seer) is Brahma and Gāyatri, the very mother of the Vēdas, is the meter (chandas).  (29)

हनुमान् देवता प्रोक्तः प्रणवो बीजमुच्यते
नमश्शक्तिरिति प्रोक्ता कीलकं श्रीर्निगद्यते।। 30

It was told that Hanumān Himself is the Lord (dēvata) for this mantra, ‘Ōm’ is the seed (beej), ‘namah’ is the power (śakti) and ‘Śreem’ is the key (keelakam). (30)

श्रीविद्यामयमाव्म्जनेयमनिशं ध्यायामि चित्ते मुदा
भक्तानामभयप्रदानचतुरं चित्रांबरालंकृतं
हेमांभोजसमानकांतिवदनं श्रीपार्वतीनन्दनम्।। 31


I always meditate upon the son of Ańjana –Hanumān, who is the very form of Śreevidya, resplendent with a pearl chain, having a wide and beautiful throat and chest, expert in giving refuse to all surrendering devotees, wearer of cloths of divergent designs, having a radiant face of the hue of golden lotuses, some of mother Pārvati. (31)

एवं ध्यात्वा जपेन्मंत्रं प्रत्यहं मन्त्रसाधकः
प्रसादाद्वायुपुत्रस्य मन्त्रसिद्धिमवाप्नुयात्।। 32

Mantra Recital

After meditation in the above manner, the practitioner of the mantra must recite it daily. By doing so, one can get the mantra siddhi (achievement of the fruts of the mantra) by the grace of Hanumān, the son of the Wind God. (32)

श्रीविद्ये ते उभे विद्ये यथाश्रुतमुदाहृते
गोपनीये प्रयत्नेन मन्त्रसारमिदं यतः।। 33

I told the two mantras of ŚreeVidya as per the method I learnt. Make sure to keep it secret, because, that is the essence of the mantra. (33)

इदं मन्त्रद्वयं धीमन्! श्रीविद्येति निगद्यते
इमौ श्रीहनुमन्मन्त्रौ इति संगीयते बुधैः।। 34

Oh! Clever One! These two mantras together are known as ŚreeVidya. Both are highly praised as Hanuman-mantras by scholars. (34)

तत्तत्फलप्रदानेन तत्तत्संज्ञाविशेषभाक्
इत्येवं कथितं ब्रह्मन् श्रीविद्यासारमुत्तमम्।। 35

The names are so told because of the fruits that they give. Oh! Best amongst Brāhmins! So told was the essence of the greatest ŚreeVidya. (35)

यच्छ्रुत्वा लभते कामान् सद्यो मन्त्रविशारदः
दुरितानि प्रणश्यंति शलभा इव पावके।। 36

By listening to which mantra the mantra practitioner gets the wishes fulfilled. The same mantra also destroys the sins committed by him, like locusts burning in fire. (36)


इति श्रीपराशरसंहितायां श्रीपराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे आव्म्जनेयश्रीविद्याप्रकाशनं नाम एकोनषष्टितमः पटलः

Thus ends the 59th Chapter “Post Birth and Death Ritual Impurity Features of Mantras of the Hanumān Auspicious Knowledge”

Devanagari transliteration

Click here to visit the Contents of the Part 2.

One Comment

  1. Jatin Sharma Jatin Sharma May 18, 2021

    Jai Shree Ram
    Thanks for uploading Chapters daily now

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