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PS2 - Chapter 52

52nd Chapter (Dwipancāśat Paţalah)

“Narration of the Method of Worshipping Hanumān Mentally

(Hanuman Mānasikāpoojā Kathanam)

कथमाराध्यते चित्ते हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः
कीदृशौरुपचारैर्वा वद में विस्तरान्मुने।। 1


“Oh! Great Seer Paraāśara! Please tell me how to worship Hanumān, son of the Wind God in mind/soul (mānasikāpoojā) itself and with what sort of worship services (upacāra)”. (1)

हनुमन्तम्महात्मानं पिङ्गाक्षं हेमसन्निभम्
मन्दस्मितं सुखासीनं ध्यायेदीप्सितसिद्धये।। 2

Śri Paraāśara:

Worship Procedure

“Oh! Sage Mytrēya! For fulfilling ones wishes, one has to meditate on Lord Hanumān, the great soul, with yellow hued eyes, gold coloured body, the smiling one that is seated comfortably. (2)

तापत्रयपरिव्याप्तं चित्तं कृत्वा सुनिर्मलम्
भावयेन्मनसा देवं भवशापविमुक्तये।। 3

One has to imagine the form of Hanumān so as to calm the soul that keeps on running after wife, children and money and free from the curses of the mundane life. (3)

प्रातःकाले समुत्थाय हनूमन्तं हृदि स्मरन्
शुचै देशे समासीनः कृतप्राभातिकीक्रियाः।। 4

Getting up early in the morning, on completion of the early morning deeds, sitting in a clean and purified place, reciting Hanumān names in the mind (silently), (4)

विजनं देशमाश्रित्य कदलीवनमध्यगः
चित्तविक्षेपरहितः पूजाविधिमुपक्रमेत्।। 5

At a place where there are no human activities, reaching into a banana grove, without any distractions of mine, the worship has to be started (Hanuman mānasikāpoojā) has to be started. (5)

पूजा च पव्म्चधा ज्ञेया कपीन्द्रस्य महात्मनः
जले च प्रतिमायां च शिलायां सूर्यमण्डले
निश्चले मानसे वापि पूजयेज्जगतां पतिम्।। 6

The worship of the great soul Hanumān is of five varieties – worship with water, worshipping the idol, worshipping in a small stone, worshipping by keeping the Sun’s disk in mind and worshipping by keeping His Form in one’s undisturbed heart. (6)

आद्ये सर्वोपचारान्वै जलेनैव प्रकल्पयेत्
द्वितीये तु यथाशास्त्रं तथा द्रव्यं निवेदयेत्।। 7

In the first round of worship, all the services are to be imagined-performed with water only. In the second round of worship, one has to present the worship materials as stipulated in the scriptures. (7)

हृतीये न विशेषो स्ति द्वितीय इव पूजयेत्
तुरीये निश्चलां दृष्ष्टिं कष्त्वा भास्करमण्डले।। 8

The third type of worship is not with out any speciality and has to be carried out like the second one. In the fourth type of worship, one has to steadily gaze at the orb of the Sun. (8)

पूजाद्रव्यं समानीय चक्षुषा सन्निधापयेत्
पव्म्चमी मानसी पूजा सर्वेषामुत्तमोत्तमम्।। 9

All the worship materials are to be established just by contemplation through gaze. The fifth one, the mānasikapooja is the best of all worships. (9)

तत्तद्रव्याणि सर्वाणि पूजायास्साधनानि वै
निश्चलेनान्तरङ्गेण कपीन्द्राय निवेदयेत्।। 10

All the worship materials have to be offered to the best among monkeys, Hanumān by just imagination in the mind. (10)

दलैद्र्वादशभिर्युक्तं हैमं हृदयपङ्कजम्
भावयेद्विकचं रम्यं क£णकाकेसरान्वितम्।। 11

One has to imagine a beautiful golden heart-lotus (hŗdayapadma) with twelve petals, with the central round stigma surrounded by stamens (11)

तत्र सिंहासनं तत्र हैमं भास्करसन्निभम्
निरस्तान्तस्तमस्तोमं कल्पयेन्मुनिपुङ्गव! 12

Oh! Best of Seers! There one has to imagine positioning a golden throne emanating radiance like the sunrays that drive away the darkness. (12)

आवाहयेद्धनूमन्तं तत्र सिंहासने सुधीः
अथ ध्यायेत्कपिश्रेष्ठं चतुरावरणान्वितम्।। 13

A wise worshipper invites (āvāhana) Lord Hanumān on to that throne. Then create imagine the four manifestations (Forns) of Lord Hanumān.(13)

वामभागस्थितां पत्नीं सूर्यपुत्रीं सुवर्चलाम्
पश्यन्तं स्निग्धया दृष्ष्ट्या स्मितयुक्तमुखाम्बुजाम्।। 14

Looking lovingly at shining smiling lotus face of the wife, the beautiful daughter of Sun god, Suvarchala, (14)

मुक्ताहारगणोपेतं तत्र कुण्डलभूषितम्।। 15

Served by Vinata and other monkey warriors holding ornate umbrella (chatra) and fan (cāmara), having appropriate necklace-garlands, cheeks shining because of the ear rings, (15)

ग्रैवेयभूषितग्रीवं कनकाङ्गदधारिणम्
नानामणिसमुत्कीर्णकिरीटोज्वलशेखरम्।। 16

Neck decorated with neck-ornaments, wearing golden armbands (kēyūram), head radiant from the crown studded with precious stones, (16)

मेखलादामसंवीतं मणिनूपुरशोभितम्
रत्नकङ्कणविद्योतं पाणिरक्ताम्बुजद्वयम्।। 17

Wearing a decorated loin cord around (mēkhala), ankles shining with diamond studded anklets (nūpur), fore-arms shining with diamond studded bracelets (kankaņa), both hands holding red lotuses, (17)

क्वथित स्वर्ण वर्णाग मुष्ट्रध्वज समन्वितं
पद्मासने समासीनं पीतांबर समन्वितम् || 18

Body shining like burnished gold, adorned with a camel (imprinted) flag, seated in lotus posture (padmāsana), wearing yellow robes, (18)

चतुर्भुजधरं शान्तं सर्वव्यापिनमीश्वरम्
सर्वदेवपरीवारं सर्वाभीष्टफलप्रदम्।। 19

Four shouldered, having a peaceful mind, one who is spread every where, capanleod doing any thing (sarvasanrdha), having all the gods as dear relatives, fulfill of all wishes – Hanumān.(19)

आवाहयामि सर्वेशं सूर्यपुत्रीप्रियं प्रभुम्
अव्म्जनातनयं देवं मायातीतं जगद्गुरुम्।। 20

Commencement of the Invitation Process (āvāhana)

‘I invoke Hanumān the son of Ańjana, beyond all illusions, the weighty center of the whole universe, dear to Suvarchala the daughter of Sun god, lord of all, capable of everything. (20)

देवदेव! जगन्नाथ! केसरिप्रियनन्दन!
रत्नसिंहासनं तुभ्यं दास्यामि हनुमत्प्रभो।। 21

Lord of lords! Lord of the universe! Dear son of Kēsari! Lord Hanumān! I am presenting a diamond-studded golden throne for you. (21)

आगच्छ हनुमन्! देव! त्वं सुवर्चलया सह
पूजासमाप्तिपर्यन्तं भव सन्निहितो मुदा।। 22

Oh! God! Hanumān! Please grace my place along with Suvarchala. Please remain with us happily till the conclusion of the worship. (22)

भीमाग्रज! महाप्राज्ञ! त्वं ममाभिमुखो भव
सुवर्चलापते श्रीमन् प्रसीद जगतां पते! 23

Worship Procedure (Services to be offered)

Elder brother of Bheema! Highly knowledgeable one! Please be in front of me! Husband of Suvarchala! Great in many virtues (Srīmantaā)! Lord of the universe (Jagannāthā)! Shower your divine grace on me. (23)

योगिध्येयाङ्घ्रिपद्माय जगतां पतये नमः
पाद्यं मयार्पितं देव! गृष्हाण पुरुषोत्तम।। 24

I bow to thee! Lord Hanumān, one who possesses lotus feet that are worth contemplation by great yogis. Oh! Lord! Best amongst men! Accept the water (for washing feet = pādyam) offered by me. (24)

लक्ष्मणप्राणसंरक्ष! सीताशोकविनाशन!
गृह्नणाघ्र्यं मया दत्तं पार्वतीप्रियनन्दन।। 25

Oh! Saver of the life of Lakşmaņa! Remover of the sadness of Sītā! Son of Lord Śankara! Accept the water (offer of water for washing feet = pādyam) offered by me. (25)

बालाग्रसेतुबन्धाय शताननवधाय च
तुभ्यमाचमनं दत्तं प्रतिग्र्ह्रणीष्व मारुते।। 26

Oh! Son of the Wind God! One who caught the ocean in the end of His tail! One who destroyed demon Satānana! Accept the ācamana water (reception ritual – drinking three times and wiping hands and face) offered by me. (26)

अर्जुनध्वजसंवास! दशाननमदापह!
मुधपर्कं प्रदास्यामि हनुमन्प्रतिगृह्माताम्।। 27

One who stays on the flag of Arjuna! One who dented the pride of RāvaņaHanumān! Accept the new cloths offered by me. (27)

गंगादिसर्वतीर्थेभ्यः समानीतैर्नवोदकैः
भवन्तं स्नापयिष्यामि कपिनायक गृह्नताम्।। 28

I am giving you a bath with the fresh water fetched from the sacred River Ganga and other rivers. Accept the same, Oh! Lord of the monkey warriors. (28)

पीताम्बरमिदं तुभ्यं तप्तहाटकसन्निभम्
दास्यामि वानरश्रेष्ठ संगृह्नाण नमो स्तु ते।। 29

Oh! Lord of monkeys! Accept the silk clothes offered by me that are equal to burnished gold. I reverentially bow to thee. (29)

ब्रह्मसूत्रमिदं भव्यं मुक्तादामोपशोभितम्
स्वीकुरुष्वाव्म्जनापुत्र भक्तरक्षणतत्पर!।। 30

Oh! Āńjanēya! One that is always busy in protecting the devotees! Accept the sacred thread shining with stringed pearls. (30)

उत्तरीयं तु दास्यामि संसारोत्तारकारण!
गृह्नाण परमप्रीत्या नतो स्मि तव पादयोः।। 31

Our protector from worldly mundane bindings! I bow in reverence at your lotus feet. Accept my offering of the shoulder wrapper garment (uttareeyam). (31)

भूषणानि महार्हाणि किरीटप्रमुखान्यहम्
तुभ्यं दास्यामि सर्वेष! गृह्नाण कपिनायक।। 32

Oh! Lord of all (sarvēśā)! Leader of the monkey warriors! Accept my offering of the crown and other ornaments. (32)

श्रीचन्दनं तु दास्यामि गृह्नातां हनुमत्प्रभो! 33

Lord Hanunān! Accept my offering of the best sandal paste mixed with kastoori (musk deer scent), saffron (kumkuma; zafran; flowers with many health benefits), camphor (karpooram), agarwood (Aquilariaagallocha fragrance). (33)

सुगन्धीनि सुरूपाणि वन्यानि विविधानि च
चम्पकादीनि पुष्पाणि कमलान्युत्पलानि च।। 34

With nice fragrance, beautiful blooms from best gardens – different varieties of champaka (Magnolia champaca) flowers, lotuse (Nymphaeaceae, padmam), konflowers (Saussureaobvallata, kamal), (34)

तुलीसदलकादीनि मनसा कल्पयामि ते
गृह्नाण हनुमन्देव! प्रणतो स्मि पदाम्बुजे 35

Holy basil (tulasi) and other leaves are offered by me at your lotus feet. Oh! Lord! Hanumān! Accept these. (35)

शालीयानक्षतान्रम्यान् पद्मरागसमप्रभान्
अखण्डान्खण्डितध्वांत स्वीकुरुष्व दयानिथे! 36

Oh! Disperser of darkness! Abode of kindness!Accpt the sacred unbroken rice of saali (60-day crop) variety that shine like beautiful sapphires of orange and pink mixed colour (padmarāga) that I am offering. (36)

कपिलाघृतसंयुक्तः कृष्णागरुसमुद्भवः
मया समर्पितो धूपः हनुमन् प्रतिगृह्नताम्।। 37

Oh! Hanumān! Accept the incense (dhoopa) made of pure ghee of Kapila cow (sacred, small, black breed giving milk of many medicinal virtues) and black resinous gum that I am offering. (37)

निरस्ताज्ञानतिमिर तेजोराशे! जगत्पते!
दीपं गृह्नाण देवेश! गोघ्र्ताक्तदशान्वितम्।। 38

Abode of radiance that can drive away the darkness of ignorance (agńyāna)! Lord of the universe! God of Gods! Accept my offering of the lamp (jyōti) made of ten cotton wicks wetted in cow ghee. (38)

इदं दिव्यान्नममृतं सूपशाकफलान्वितम्
साज्यं सदधि सक्षीरं शर्करामधुसंयुतम्।। 39

Here is the divinely cooked rice, equal to nectar (amŗta) in taste, containing beans (pulses), vegetables, fruits, ghee, curd, milk, sugar and honey, (39)

भक्ष्यं भोज्यं च लेह्यं च चोष्यं चापि चतुर्विधम्
गृह्नाण हनुमन् भक्त्या स्वर्णपात्रे निवेदितम्।। 40

Oh! Hanumān! Kindly accept the four verieties of foods that are chewable (bhakşya), can be swallowed (bhōjya), can be licked (lēhya) and can be sucked (chōşya) offered with devotion in golden vessels. (40)

समर्पयामि पानीयं मध्ये मध्ये सुधोपमम्
सच्चिदानन्दरूपाय सृष्ष्टिस्थित्यन्तहेतवे! 41

Oh! Lord Hanumān! With truth, knowledge (intellect) and bliss as your very form! The cause of creation (sŗşţi), sustenance (sthiti) and termination (anta)! Accept the nector like water offered by me again and again during meals. (41)

पूगीफलैस्समायुक्तं कर्पूरादिसमन्वितम्
स्वर्णवर्णदलोपेतं तांबूलं गृह्नतां हरे।। 42

I am offering golden hued tender betel leaves (tāmboolam) laced with quality arica nut, camphor and other flavouring substances; Oh! Hanumān! Accept. (42)

नीराजनमिदं दिव्यं मंगलार्थं कपिप्रभो
मया समर्पितं तात! गृह्नाण वरदो भव।। 43

Oh! Lord of the monkeys! For auspiciusness, I am offereing divinely camphor-burning (neerājanam). Oh! God, accept the same. Be benevolent to me. (43)

नृत्यं गीतं च वाद्यं च कृतं गन्धर्वसत्तमैः
प्रकल्पयामि मनसा रामदूताय ते नमः || 44

I am offering you dance, song and play of musical instruments made by demi-gods Gandharvas, from the bottom of my heart. Kindly accept. (44)

राजोपचारैस्सततं पुराणपठनादिभिः
सन्तुष्टो भव सर्वात्मन् सर्वलिंगमयात्मक।। 45

The one contained in all things (sarvātmaka), the one contained in all abstract or aniconic forms of God (sarvalingamayātmaka)! Be happy with the royal services offered by me through recitation of scriptures. (45)

मंदार पारिजातादि पुष्पंजलि मिमं प्रभो
स्वर्णपुष्प समाकीर्ण मुष्ट्रध्वज गृणाण वै || 46

I am offering divinely golden-flowered offering with hibiscus (mandāra), Indian coral jasmine (pārijāta) and other flowers. Oh! Lord with Camel-Flag! Hanumān! Accept. (46)

प्रदक्षिणनमस्कारान् साष्टांगान् पंचसंख्यया
दास्यामि कपिनाथाय गृह्नाणाभीष्टदायक।। 47

I am offering you five self-circumambulations and five prostrate-on ground-bows (sşţāngdandavat) to Your lotus feet. Oh! Best amongst monkeys! Accept. (47)

देवदेव जगन्नाथ पुराणपुरुषोत्तम
अनेन पूजाविधिना सुप्रीतो भव सर्वदा।। 48

Oh! Lord of Gods! Lord of the Universe! Greatest personality of the era of scriptures! Always be happy with this method of worship. (48)

सुवर्चलासमेतस्त्वं चतुरावरणान्वित
हंसतूलिकयोपेते मम हृत्पङ्कजे वस 49

Stay always in my heart that is like a four area-full soft bed made of swan’s down feathers, along with your concert Suvarcchala.’ (49)

इत्येवं मानसीपूजा सर्वाभीष्टप्रदायिनी
शङ्करेण पुरा गौर्यैे कथिता विस्तरान्मुने।। 50

Śrī Parāśara:

Oh! Sage Mytrēya! This is the Hanumān mānasapooja (quiet mental worship) that fulfils all he wishes. This was explained by Śiva to Pārvati long time ago. (50)

प्रातर्मध्याह्नयोश्चपि सायंकालनिशीथयोः
यदा कदापि पूजेयं मानसी सर्वदोत्तमा।। 51

This can be done at any time – morning, afternoon, evening or night time. This Hanumān mānasapooja is always the best method of worship. (51)

एतस्य पूजनविधेः पठनेनापि मानवः
सर्वान्कामानवाप्नोति श्रवणेन विशेषतः।। 52

Man gets all his wishes fulfilled on reciting or hearing this method of worship. (52)

ब्रह्मक्षत्रविशां स्त्रीणां बालानां च शुभावहम्
इदं पवित्रं पापघ्नं भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदम्।। 53

This is sacred to people of all castes and creeds –priests, warriors, traders, farmers, workers and to men women and children; always removes the sins (of the worshipper) and gives the two fruits – enjoyment of divine bliss and liberatin. (53)


इति श्रीपराशरसंहितायां श्रीपराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे नुमन्मानसपूजाकथनं नाम द्विपव्म्चाशत्पटलः

Thus ends the 52nd Chapter “Narration of the Method of Worshipping Hanumān Mentally”

Devanagari transliteration

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