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PS2 - Chapter 51

51st Chapter (Ēkapancāśat Paţalah)

“Narration of the Method of Catching the Stag

(Puruşamṛgāharaṇōpāya Kathanam)

अथाब्रवीत्कपिश्रेष्ठः भीमं भीमपराक्रमं
सौम्यरूपं समास्थाय प्रहसन्मुखपंकजः।। 1

Śrī Paraāśara:

“Oh! Mytrēya! On Bheema, intent on bringing the stag (male deer), prayed Hanumān, who blocked his way; and dented his pride in his strength, upon which, with a smile on His face and a pleasant countenance, Hanumān said so to Bheema. (1)

विद्धि मामंजनापुत्रं हनुमन्तमिति श्रुतम्
वायुपुत्रतया चाहं भ्राता ते नृपनन्दन।। 2

Hanumān’s Suggestion to Bheema

‘Oh! Prince! Bheemasena! Know me as Aāṅjnēya, the son  of Aṅjana; by being the son of Wind God (Vāyudēva), I am your (elder) brother. (2)

इदं ते साहसं ज्ञात्वा पुंमृगादानगोचरम्
अहमासं समासीनो भ्रातृस्नेहेन विक्लवः।। 3

Having known your courage in search for the stag (male deer), disturbed by which, out of brotherly affection I am sitting here worried. (3)

जितचेता जवश्शूरः पुंमृगः पुरुषाशनः
क्षणात्परार्थमध्वानमयति स्वान्तपूर्वगः।।4

With its speed of the soul (manōvēga) and taking only males as food, the stag can overtake one with the speed of the soul. (4)

को वा ममाग्रतस्तिष्ठेन्मत्र्यो वा दानवो पि वा
घृतप्राणे निलःकालो न स्थातुमिति तन्मतिः।। 5

Who can stand before me? Neither men, nor demons, nor even the Lord of Death, Yama himself can not stand alive before me’. So feels that stag. (5)

तादृशं मृगमानेतुमीदृशस्त्वंस्त्वं कथं क्षमः
अगृहीत्वा महाशूरं पुंमृगं पुरुषादनम्
न रोचते पुनर्यानं मद्भ्रातर्भीमसेन ते।। 6

My dear brother! Bheema! I do not like the idea of my brother going back without that stag that is very courageous and eats only men for food. (6)

किन्तु योगं तमादातुमुपदेक्ष्यामि ते नुज!
स पुंमृगश्शुभाचारः शिवपूजापरायणः
प्राणात्यये पि संप्राप्ते न जहाति शिवार्चनम्।। 7

Oh! Brtother! Even then I will show you a way of obtaining it. The stag has an auspicious custom. It always worships Lord Śiva. It will not forego worship of Śiva, even if it means danger to its own life. (7)

यत्रापि पुरतः पश्योच्छिवलिंगं शुभालयम्
तदसम्पूज्य पूजार्हं पदमेकं न गच्छति।। 8

If it comes across a temple with a Śiva in linga (power) form, it will not step without worshipping. (8)

मम वालाग्ररोमाणि पथि क्षिप विभागशः
तदालयं समा£चत्स शिवलिगं च तत्क्षणम्।। 9

Pluck and drop the hairs at the tip of my tail in the path. Those hairs will turn into Śivalingas along with temples around the same. That stag will worship the Śivalingas there. (9)

अतस्तद्गतिविघ्नो यं शिवलिंगमयानि मे
गृह्नाण वालरोमाणि समग्राण्यागृह्नात्तव।। 10

Thus, the journey of the stag will be held up. Come take my tail hairs that will turn into Śivalingas. (10)

गृह्नीत्वेमानि रोमाणि गच्छ तस्यांतिकं दु्रतम्
तं प्रार्थय मृगन्यायादवधारय तद्वचः।। 11

Go fast towards that stag with hairs of may tail’s end. Worship it according to the tradition of the deers. Listen to what that stag tells. (11)

ततो गृह्नीतसंकेतो गच्छन्वेगेन तत्पुरः
एकैकं तु पृथक़्क़ृत्थ रोमाणं विनिपातय।। 12

Go forwards fast, following the signs in its wake, and go on dropping the hairs one by one. (12)

एवं सुधर्मामारभ्य भुक्तशालावधिं द्रुतम्
कर्तव्यमप्रमादेन पुरतो धावतस्त्वया।। 13

That’s what you have to do without any mistake; run fast between the council of gods in heaven (known as Sudharma) and their dining hall running ahead (of the stag). (13)

एकैकलोमविन्यासाद्यदालिङ्गोद्भवो भवेत्
तदातिक्रान्तवत्र्मानं न त्वामभिभविष्यति।। 14

Because of the appearance of Śivalingas at every place where each hair falls, that stag cannot (move and) overtake you, denying approach. (14)

एवं मदुक्तयोगेन कर्तव्यं जयमिच्छता
तव लभ्यो मृगश्रेष्ठः न स्यात्तव पराजयः।। 15

If you wish success and do as explained, that mighty stag can neither escape your grasp nor can defeat you.’ (15)

इत्यादिश्य हितं तस्मै हनूमानुष्ट्रवाहनः
निजवालाग्ररोमाणि प्रददे मुष्टिमात्रतः।। 16

Amazing Hanumān’s Forms

Hanumān, who has camel as His vehicle, out of good will, commanded Bheema and handed him a fist-ful of the hairs of the tip of His tail. (16)

भीमो प्युपायलाभेन परमानन्दनिर्भरः
स्तोत्रेण महता स्तुत्वा भ्रातरं कपिमब्रवीत्।। 17

Happy that he could get a way (of catching the stag), Bheema praised his elder brother with great invocatory hymns. (17)

हनुमन्मू£तरूपाणि स्थूलसूक्ष्मसमानि ते
अत्यद्भुतानि लोकेषु सन्तीति बहुधा श्रुतम्।। 18

‘Oh! Āńjanēya! I heard a lot that there are many minute (suukşma), yet gross (sthoola) miraculous body Forms in this world. (18)

तानि दर्शय सर्वाणि मह्यं जिज्ञासवे प्रभो
इति तत्प्रार्थनां श्रुत्वा प्रत्युवाच कपीश्वरः।। 19

Oh! Great soul! Please show them all to me as I am very much interested in seeing them’.  (19)

सन्ति रूपाण्यनेकानि स्थूलसूक्ष्मसमानि मे
किन्तु तानि विशेषेण दर्शनीयानि चाधुना।। 20

Hearing his request Hanumānsaid so. ‘In deed, there are a lot my minute or subtle and gross body Forms in this world. But I will show you only one special ones. (20)

सामान्येन प्रवक्ष्यामि तल्लिंगानि निबोध मे।। 21

I am explaining an easy way; know the signs of my various minute Forms. (21)

येन रूपेण मे राजन् लालिता जनकात्मजा
तादृशं विद्धि रूपं त्वं सूक्ष्मं च सदृशं मम।। 22

Oh! King! Behold my minute form in which mother Sītā was consoled by me. (22)

यादृशं रूपमालम्ब्य लोकानुग्रहकारणात्
अवष्टभ्य पदद्वन्द्वमुदयास्ताद्रिमूर्धनि।। 23

By the grace of the world, the Form I acquired in which, by putting a foot on the Eastern and Western Hills, (23)

अधीतास्सकला वेदास्सांगास्सवितृसन्निधौ
तादृशं मध्यमं रूपं मामकं विद्धि पार्थिव।। 24

I learnt all the Vēdas and Vēdāńgas from the Sun God; know it as my middle (madhyama, semi-minute) Form. (24)

अपरं मध्यमं चास्ति रूपं रूपवतां वर!
यस्य वालमयं सेतुं कृत्वा सप्तार्णवोपरि।। 25

Oh! Handsome one! Bheema! There is another middle Form that I acquired while making a bridge with my tail joining all the seas, (25)

शताननो महादैत्यो घातितो रामभार्यया
एवमादीनि रूपाणि मध्यमानि निबोध मे।। 26

When a mighty demon named Śatānana was killed by mother Sītā. Know the features of my middle Form. (26)

यच्च विश्वमयं रूपं विश्वतोमुखमद्भुतं
जानक्यै दर्शितं साक्षात् स्थूलं तद्विद्धि मामकम्।। 27

Know that Form of mine as the minute body, the Form that is wonderful, universal and that that actually appeared before mother Sītā. (27)

तत्तत्कार्यानुरोधेन तत्तत्कालानुसारतः
दर्शनीयानि रूपाणि न च सर्वत्र सर्वदा।। 28

All Forms can not be shown all the times; Forms appear depending on the situational need and situational time. (28)

इदानीं यदि रूपाणि दर्शयेयाद्भुतानि च
भीतिस्ते भवतस्सद्यः पीडा च जगतो भवेत्।। 29

You will get frightened and the worlds too will suffer, if all those miraculous Forms are shown now. (29)

तथापि सूक्ष्मरूपं मे दर्शयिष्यामि पाण्डव!
इति बु्रुवन्नयं सद्यः नीवाराग्रसमो भवत्।। 30

Oh! Son of King Pandu! Even then, I will show you my minute Form’. Saying so, Hanumān acquired the size of the front tip of a neevar paddy grain (a fine variety). (30)

दृष्ट्वा सूक्ष्मतनुं देवं भीमो विस्मयमाययौ
तावदू्रपाव्म्जनापुत्रो रूपान्तरमगान्महत्। 31

Bheema was greatly surprised to see such a minute Form of Hanumān. From that minute form Hanumān immediately changed into grand Universal Form (huge; virāţ), (31)

दषयोजनविस्तीर्णं त्रिंशद्योजनमायतम्
तेनैव रूपभेदेन तीर्णो हि सरितांपतिः।। 32

Which Form was about 122 km wide and 366 km tall. In that Form, Hanumān had jumped over the sea (to reach Lanka). (32)

तदू्रपदर्शनात्सद्यो भीमसेनो मुमूर्छ सः
तदा तं मूर्छितं दृष्ट्वा हनुमान्भ्रातष्वत्सलः।। 33

On seeing that grand Universe Form Bheema swooned. Hanumān seeing with brotherly affection at Bheema, (33)

मा भैषीरित्यथाभाष्य पाणिना समताडयत्
तत्पाणिस्पर्शमात्रेण सुप्तोत्थित इवा ध्वनि।। 34

Patted Bheema with His hand to free him from the scare. Just by the touch of  Hanumān’s hand he waking up suddenly as though from deep sleep, (34)

सज्ञां लेभे विसंज्ञो पि धर्मराजानुजस्तथा
तुष्टाव बहुभिः स्तोत्रैः अप्रमेयं कपीश्वरम्।। 35

Bheema, the younger brother of Dharmarāja (Yudhistera) got consciousness from senseless condition. Then he praised the the Endless (ananta) form of Hanumān through manaya invocation. (35)

प्रदक्षिणनमस्कारान् पव्म्चसंख्यान् चकार सः
हनूमानपि सर्वात्मा हितमादिश्य बन्धवे
अन्तर्दधे दयासिन्धुः भीमसेनस्य पश्यतः।। 36

Then he circumambulated and bowed reverently to Him five times each. Dweller of all souls (sarvātmaka) and ocean of kindness (karuņāsamudra). Hanumān advised his brother good things and auspiciously disappeared. (36)

राजापि विस्मयाविष्टो हृदये न्यस्य तद्वचः
बालरोमाणि संगृह्ना प्रविष्टो देवतासभाम्।। 37

Bheema in Action

Surprised King Bheema, remembering good things told by Hanumān, entered the council hall of gods holding His the tail hairs. (37)

तत्रापश्यमृगश्रेष्ठं सुधर्मामध्यव£तनम्
ननाम दण्डवत्तस्य कुशलप्रश्नपूर्वकम्।। 38

Seeing the stag in the middle of that Sudharma council hall, bound reverentially again an again, asking it about its welfare. (38)

ततो विज्ञापयामास मृष्गाय स्वप्रयेाजनम्
अहं पांडुसुतो भीमः देवराजात्मजाग्रजः।। 39

Then he expressed his wish so that stag. ‘Oh! Best amongst stags! I am Bheema, the son of King Pāndu and elder brother of Arjuna, the son of Indra. (39)

मदग्रजो महाराजो धर्मराजो जितेन्द्रियः
क्रियते राजसूयेन धर्मसूनुर्विधर्मवित्।। 40

Righteous son of Yamadharmarāja, one in control of his senses (jitēndriya), the emporer and my elder brother Dharmarāja is performing the great ritual of Rājasūya. (40)

तत्र पुण्ये महासत्त्वे भुक्तशालाभिशुद्धये
त्वमागच्छ मृगश्रेष्ठ! पवित्रीकृतविष्टपः।। 41

‘There exists a grand and auspicious dining hall. Oh! Great Stag Deer! You are capable of purifying the worlds. Please come with me for purifying that dining hall’. (41)

इत्याकण्र्य वचस्तस्य पुंमृगे हृष्टमानसः
जगाम वचनं तस्य बुभुत्सुर्हृदयं बुधः।। 42

On telling so, the stag understood Bheema’s good intentions and felt happy. (42)

राजन् प्रीतो स्मि भद्रं ते यत्त्वया साधु भाषितम्।
किन्त्वहं पुरुषाहारः परुषाक्षरभाषणः।। 43

‘Oh! King! I am satisfied. You, who has an appropriate way of talking, be safe. But I have the habit of having males as food; my words are harsh. (43)

संगच्छेयं यदा मार्गे पुरद्वारावधि स्वयम्
तदा त्वां भक्षयिष्ये हं तत्र साक्षिमहाजनः।। 44

On the way to the gate of your city itself, I would eat you up, as the people are seeing. (44)

कृत्वा मां पृष्टतो दूरं गच्छ क्षेमपुरस्सरम्
अशक्ताय तदा मह्यं कुतः पुरुषभोजनम्।। 45

Go safely by keeping me far behind you. Then, as I will be hungry and weak by the time we reach there, there will be a chance of my eating you up’. (45)

इति स्वमतमावेद्य पुंमृगश्शिवभक्तिमान्
पुरो गच्छेति राजानमित्युक्त्वा चान्वगच्छत।। 46

So telling its opinion, that Śiva-devotee stag started walking behind, as the king was allowed to walk ahead of it. (46)

तथैवाग्रमना भीमो व्यग्रचित्तं मृगोत्तमम्
बालरोमनिपातेन वव्म्चयामास किव्म्चन।। 47

Going ahead in this manner, Bheema tricked the fast moving stag by dropping the tail hairs (of Hanumān), one by one, on the way. (47)

तदा प्रादुरभूल्लिंगं शैवं लोमनिपातनात्
तदद्भुतोद्भवं दृष्ट्वा शिवभक्ताग्रणी मृगं।। 48

Then Śivalings started coming up wherever the hairs fell. The greatest of the devotees of  Śiva, that stag, seeing the miraculously coming up Śivalings, (48)

पूजयामास पुष्पौघैः अभिषेचनपूर्वकम्
तावदेव महासत्त्वो भीमो भीमपराक्रमः।। 49

Performed water-pouring (abhişēkam) and worshipped with flowers. Meanwhile, Bheemasēna, the most courageous one, (49)

दूरमध्वानमत्यर्थं व्यतिचक्राम संक्रमात्
ततस्समाप्य विधिवत् शिवपूजां स पुमृगः।। 50

Gradually, put a distance on the path (between himself and the stag). Having performed the worship of Śiva, (50)

अग्रयायिनमग्रण्यं क्षणादेवान्वपद्यत
तावदेव पुनर्भीमः पातयामास वालजम्।। 51

Was reaching Bheema in no time. Just then Bheema would drop another tail hair of Hanumān. (51)

शिवलिङ्गविधानेन चक्रे व्यवहितं मृगं
एवं विकीर्य रोमाणि प्रत्येकं च पृथक् पृथक
रिक्तवालजरोमस्सन् पुरद्वारं विवेश सः।। 52

In this manner, with the help of Śivalings, Bheema gradually left the stag behind. Thus dropping the tail hairs one by one, Bheema entered the city gate. (52)

जगृह्ने पुमृगो भीमं समापितशिवार्चनः।। 53

By that time, having completed the worship of Śiva, the stag caught hold of Bheema as his right foot was still in and the left foot was out. (53)

अथाब्रवीन्मृगं भीमः तद्ग्रहात्यन्तकातरः
इदमन्याय्यमन्याय्यं विद्वन्माचर साहसम्।। 54

Bheema got frightened as he was caught by the stag and said so. ‘This is not fair. Do not show unfair courage. (54)

यस्त्वमुल्लंघ्य समयमग्रहीन्मां गृहान्तरे
धर्मज्ञस्य कृतज्ञस्य सत्यवाक्यो£जतस्य ते
अधर्मे यदि बुद्धिस्स्यादितरेषां तु का कथा।। 55

Because, contry to our understanding, you caught me inside the house (right foot inside). What can be said about others when you, who know righteousness, who remembers a good deed done to you and who has truth as a strong point, entertain an unfair thought?’ (55)

इत्युक्तवन्तं राजानं जगाद मृगसत्तमः
त्वद्भ्रात्रा धर्मराजेन धर्मज्ञेन यदुच्यते
तदेव नौ महाधम्र्मं विवादो न भवेत्ततः।। 56

That best of stags, said so to Bheemasēna that spoke in the said manner. ‘Whatever is councilled by your righteous elder brother Dharmarāja will be is the greatest righteous cannon for us. There is no argument beyond that’. (56)

एवं संवेद्य वृत्तान्तं धर्मराजाय धीमते
श्रावयांचक्रतुस्सम्यङ्ममृगभीमौ यथाक्रमम्।। 57

In this manner that stag and Bheema narrated the whole episode in turns to wise Dharmarāja. (57)

तच्छु्रत्वा सकलं वृत्तं धर्मज्ञो धर्मनन्दनः
विस्मयानन्दपूर्णान्तः बभाषे धर्मनन्दनः।। 58

An authority on the laws of righteousness, Dharmarāja what all that happened and said so with his mind full of bliss as well as surprise. (58)

मृगोत्तम! महाप्राज्ञ नाधर्मस्तव विद्यते
किन्त्वथाप्यधिको भीमो येनादौ द्वारमाविशत्।।
तद् विहायार्धकायं त्वं शेषं भक्षय पुंमृगं।। 59

‘Oh! Knowledgeable! Best of stags! Even though, there is no unrighteousness in you; by virtue of Bheema entering the doorway first, you can eat that part of him that has not yet entered and leave the part that already entered’. (59)

इत्युक्तवचनं त्यक्त्वा पक्षपातं युधिष्ठिरम्
मृगस्स प्रीणयांचक्रे निर्दुष्टगुणवर्णनैः।। 60

Then the stag praised the biasless (righteous) Dharmarāja that made him very happy. (60)

ततः प्रीतमना भूयो नृष्पधर्मेण पृमृगः
भुक्तशालाः पृथासूनोः शोधयामास सव्म्चरन्।। 61

Then, pleased with the virtuous kingly righteuousness (rājadharma), the stag purified the dining hall by walking around it. (61)

इत्येवं सफलगतिं विधाय भीमं
आपृच्छूय प्रियसुहृदं हृदा स्मरन्तं
तत्रत्यैः पुरुषमृगे भिपूज्यमानः
स्वागत्या चकितसुरां दिवं प्रपेदे।। 62

Thus making friendly Bheema successful, worshipped by the people there that stag returned to the heaven to the surprise of the gods there. (62)

भीममार्यचरितं युधिष्ठिरः
तं प्रशस्य पुरतो महीभुजां
यज्ञशेषमनयन्मुनीश्वर!।। 63

Oh! Seer Mytrēya! Praising Lord Hanumān that bestows courage in them in the presence of the great seers and kings that assembled there, Dharmarāja presented a part of the fruits of the great ritual to Him. (63)


इति श्रीपराशरसंहितायां पराशरमैत्रेयसंवादे पुरुशमष्गाहरणोपायकथनं नाम एकपव्म्चाशत्पटलः

Thus ends the 51st Chapter “Narration of the Method of Caching the Stag”

Devanagari transliteration

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